Sacraments and Services of the Church
Sacraments: Our Anglican tradition recognizes sacraments as “outward and visible signs of inward and spiritual grace.” (BCP, 857) Holy Baptism and the Eucharist (or Holy Communion) are the two great sacraments given by Christ to his church.
In the case of Baptism, the outward and visible sign is water, in which the person is baptized in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit; the inward and spiritual grace is union with Christ in his death and resurrection, birth into God’s family the Church, forgiveness of sins, and new life in the Holy Spirit. We offer instruction, preparation, and baptism for seekers of all ages wishing to be brought into the fullness of Body of Christ. The Episcopal Church's baptism calendar which includes special feasts when baptism is particularly appropriate: the Baptism of Our Lord, Easter, Pentecost, and All Saints' Day.
Holy Eucharist
In the case of the Eucharist, the outward and visible sign is bread and wine, given and received according to Christ’s command. The inward and spiritual grace is the Body and Blood of Christ given to his people, and received by faith. Most Sunday services include the Holy Eucharist. At All Saints’, all are invited to partake of Holy Communion. Information about how to partake of Holy Communion are in the service leaflet.
Sacramental Rites: In addition to these two, there are other sacramental rites that can serve as means of grace and spiritual markers in our journey of faith. These include:
Confirmation: Our parish youth program prepares high school students for Confirmation on a biannual basis. Contact Annmarie Tarleton for more information. In addition, adults from other faith traditions can be confirmed or received into The Episcopal Church in parallel with our youth confirmation class. Those who wish to reaffirm their faith are often part of this group as well. Contact Father Mark for more information.
Reconciliation (Confession): Private confession is available for individuals. Contact Father Mark for more information. Most services contain a general confession and absolution.
Holy Matrimony: We are glad to celebrate the sacrament of holy matrimony with couples who wish to sanctify their union through the offices of the church. Along with the ceremony, our clergy require and lead pre-marital counseling for all couples wishing to be married. In The Episcopal Church holy matrimony is available to everyone regardless of sex or gender identity. Please contact the Parish Office for important information about marrying at All Saints’.
Holy Orders: Ordination is a sacramental rite of the church by which God gives authority and the grace of the Holy Spirit through prayer and the laying on of hands by bishops to those being made bishops, priests, and deacons. Contact Father Mark if you are interested in ordination. And visit the Episcopal Diocese of Newark’s webpage at https://dioceseofnewark.org/com
Holy Unction (Anointing): Unction is the sacramental use of oil as an outward sign of God's active presence for the healing of spirit, mind, and body. Use of oil for the anointing of at the time of death is called Extreme Unction or Last Rites. Contact Father Mark or Sue Morgan to arrange a pastoral visit.
Other Rites
Christian Burial: We are honored to help celebrate the lives of those we love but see no longer. Please reach out to the Parish Office or Father Mark if you or someone you know is in need of end-of-life care or funeral planning. We stand ready to walk beside you every step of the way.