All Saints’ Annual Stewardship Pledge Drive
Make your 2025 pledge to All Saints' NOW!
Through the ministry of our parish, God works with us and through us – inspiring us to deepen our faith and to reach out to those in need. If you haven’t done so already, take a moment to become a pledging member or to renew your pledge to All Saints’. Click on the images above to see our Stewardship Materials or find them on the Information Table in the rear of the Church. For your prayers, your participation, and your pledges of financial support, and for all that you do for All Saints’, thank you!
Supporting All Saints’: Stewardship
Our support for All Saints’ and its ministries comes in many forms.
We support our parish by showing up to Sunday services or helping out at coffee hour. We can join a ministry like the Altar Guild or help on a committee like Outreach. We might serve in leadership as a member of the Vestry.
And we support our parish by making financial contributions to All Saints’.
All these forms of support make up what we call Stewardship.
The Episcopal Church defines Stewardship as a personal response to God's generosity in the way we share our resources of time, talent, and treasure. Stewardship is an act of trust in God. It is a fiscal commitment to the church and its ministries: the work God calls us to do.
Parish members are encouraged to make an annual stewardship pledge. A pledge is an intentional commitment to “work, pray, and give for the spread of the kingdom of God.” (BCP, p. 856)
Pledging members renew their support each year allowing the parish to plan responsibly for services, ministries, events, repairs, and activities for the coming year.
Click on the button to the left to make a one-time donation to All Saints’ or to set up an on-going pledge of support for our ministries.
Stewardship is a gift to God that recognizes all that God has done for us. For all that you do for All Saints’, thank you.